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/ USGS: Oil & Gas Fields of Africa / USGS Oil & Gas Fields of Africa.iso / mac

Directories (2)
Name# Files   Name# Files
ACROREAD6   africa10

Document (1)
NameFormat# PagesSizeDate
AFPROV.PDF Portable Document Format 9MB 1997-08-13

Text (4)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
afr_meta.dos Text File 949 40KB 1997-08-14
afr_meta.mac Text File 949 39KB 1997-08-14
ReadMe.dos Text File 265 13KB 1997-08-14
ReadMe.mac Text File 265 13KB 1997-08-14

Other Files (2)
Desktop DB Unknown 49KB 1997-08-13
Desktop DF Unknown 71KB 1997-08-13